Stone Wool Partition Wall Board
Stone Wool Partition Wall Board

Stone Wool Partition Wall Board

It is a stone wool board used for fire safe thermal and sound insulation of lightweight partition walls, stairwells and elevator shafts, adjacent walls, inner surfaces of exterior walls.

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Application Area

  • Izocam Stone Wool Partition Wall Board is placed into the timber or metal construction.
  • It is used for thermal and sound insulation and fire safety especially when it is applied at the partition walls of the office buildings.
  • Depending on the application space, gypsum boards are fastened on the side facing the interior or on both sides by profiles.
  • It is recommended to apply rubber tapes (Izocamtape) to the construction especially for the sound insulation applications in order to avoid sound bridges.

Material Safety Forms


Technical Specifications

Properties Symbol Unit Description Tolerance Standard
Material - - Stone Wool - TS EN 13162
Material Type - - ABL ABL - Eco - -
Density ρ kg/m3 52 40 +/-10% -
Width w mm 600 +/-1,5% TS EN 822
Length l mm 1200 +/-2% TS EN 822
Thickness t mm 30 40 50 60 80 100 120 T4 * TS EN 823
Facing - - Unfaced - -
Reaction to fire - - A1 - EN 13501-1
Squareness Sb mm/m max. 5 - TS EN 824
Flatness Smax mm max. 6 - TS EN 825
Dimensional Stability Δεd % max. 1 - TS EN 1604
Declared Thermal Conductivity (10 °C) ʎD W/m.K 0.035 0.038 - TS EN 12667/12939
Thermal Resistance ABL RD m2.K/W 0,85 1.10 1.40 1.70 2.25 2.85 3.40 - TS EN 13162
ABL-Eko 0,75 1.05 1.30 1.55 2.10 2.60 3.15
Water Vapor Diffusion Resistance Coefficient µ - 1 - TS EN 12086
Short Term Water Absorption Wp kg/m2 max. 1 - TS EN 1609
Long Term Water Absorption with Diffusion Wlp kg/m2 max. 3 - TS EN 12087
Packaging Material - - PE Film - -
Other Information Boards could be coated with yellow/black glass tissue and aluminium foil.

* T4: -3% or -3 mm; +5% or +5 mm. The biggest value is chosen at minus tolerance, the smallest value is chosen at plus tolerance.