
Social Responsibility


İzocam Student Contest

İzocam has been holding “İzocam Student Contest” every year since 1999 with the objective to inspire insulation awareness among university students, to ensure interdisciplinary collaboration and to improve students’ skills.

This year, the motto of the 20th edition of the International Student Contest, finals of which are to be held in Paris in 2021, is “Sprout life with your design”. Students are to give life to Saint-Denis, an industrial region of Paris, with their designs. 

The Student Contest, which İzocam holds every year under a different theme as part of its social responsibility efforts, will be held for the 20th time as of 2020 with the participation and contributions of Saint-Gobain companies. The theme of this year’s contest, which is held by Saint-Gobain in 35 countries across the world and by İzocam, Saint-Gobain Rigips and Saint-Gobain Weber in Turkey, is to sprout life. University students are to convert the industrial region of Saint-Denis into a hotbed of green life,

learning and recreation respecting both the historical legacy of the region and the necessities of modern-day districts. The procedures of the contest, which operates based on the principle of “Idea to Project” and is open to students from all faculties and departments, will be handled at For the first stage of the two-stage contest, the students are expected to come up with concept designs following the theme “Sprout Life with Your Design” and a draft project showcasing their ideas. The participants submitted their projects via the contest website until March 9 2020. The titles of the passing projects were announced on March 16 2020. The projects that make it into the second phase will receive feedback from the jury for improvements and be submitted by December 15 2020. The students who pass the finals and receive a top ranking in the national stage, will compete at the international finals to be held in Paris on February 3-6 2021.The top-ranking teams in the nationals will win TL 10,000, TL 7,500 and TL 5,000 respectively. They will earn the right to represent our country at the international finals to be held in Paris on February 3-6 2021 and to compete for the international prize poo

İYEM (İzocam Insulation Training Centre) 

Founded in Dilovası with the objective to spread insulation awareness in our country and organise training efforts in correct insulation practices, İYEM continued its efforts for 18 years for social responsibility. It was founded in 1998 and retired in 2016.

İzocam Insulation Training Centre (İYEM), the purpose of which is to spread insulation awareness, help install thermal, sound, fire and water insulation correctly and be a source of up-to-date information and practices in the insulation industry, serves all who are interested in insulation. İYEM offers not only industry-specific training programs but also those relevant to personal development, extending its responsibility in training to great masses.

Incorrect insulation practices cause high energy losses across buildings. One of the top goals of İYEM is to inform the public about good insulation practices.

Thermal insulation, in particular, stands out with its environmentally friendliness and its contribution to the economy. Studies show that insulation installations that are up to standard achieve 30-80% energy savings compared to buildings without any insulation or with improper insulation. Correct thermal insulation practices lead to a proportional decrease in utility bills. They offer sound insulation and fire safety as well. Increasing the number of qualified technical personnel in the industry and correct insulation installations minimise the loss of energy.Having offered free training to the entire insulation industry from November 1998 to 31.12.2016, İYEM offered a total length of training sessions of 44,932 man/day to an audience of 20.270. Training sessions at İYEM were organised in two semesters a year by 43 experts and academics. Those completing all free İYEM training seminars successfully were given “Insulation Expert Certification”.

Insulation Installer Certification Training

Since 2004, İzocam’s training team of expert architects, engineers and technicians have been organising training sessions at İzocam workshops at the Turkish Training Worksite every month under the supervision of expert tutors appointed by the Ministry of National Education.

İzocam hold free training programs for “VQA Vocational Qualifications Certificate” which was made mandatory for construction and fittings installers as of 2016 and these training programs were concluded in 2017.


The training programs are being held by İzocam’s training team of expert architects, engineers and technicians under the supervision of expert tutors appointed by the Ministry of National Education. The Thermal Insulator Vocational Qualification training held for the purpose of improving the skills of the installers working at worksites and helping them obtain “Vocational Qualification Certificate” in line with the regulations issued by the Vocational Qualifications Authority (VQA) consists of Work Organisation in Thermal Insulation, Occupational Health and Safety, Thermal Insulation in Foundations, Floors and Ceilings, Thermal Insulation in Walls (External Façade Insulation Systems for Plaster-Coating and Internal Insulation Systems for External Walls) and Thermal Insulation for Roofs. 

Thermal Insulator Training, which consists of two phases, namely theoretical and hands-on, conducted at the İzocam Workshops at the Turkish Training Worksite, offers installer information on choosing the right material as well as right details and right practices, correcting the misconceptions in the industry. Participants are also informed on how to read and measure a project, and to analyse materials, contributing to their personal growth.

Once the training program is completed, the Accreditation Certification Centres hold exams. Assessment exams, which consist of two phases, namely theoretical and hands-on, are held to assess whether installers should be given Vocational Qualification Certificates.

The installers who pass the assessment exam held by the accreditation exam centre after the Thermal Insulator Vocational Qualification Installer Training is completed are given their VQA Thermal Insulator Vocational Qualification Certificates. VQA Vocational Qualification Certificate is a nationally and internationally recognised accreditation.

Installers may take the VQA Vocational Qualification Exam either after completing the training programmes or, if they feel confident in themselves, by directly applying to the accreditation authorities. Completing the training programme is recommended both for success at the exam and because the programme offers valuable information.

As of December 2017, 2,035 installers, who completed the Plastered External Façade Insulation System (Coating), Industrial Structure and Roof Insulation, Insulated Plasterboard Wall and Suspended Ceiling Insulation (Internal Insulation) programmes received certificates approved by the Ministry of National Education. 


İzodemi Training Programmes

İzocam holds annual İzodemi training programmes for its dealers and end customers. The theme of the training programmes is different every year. In 2012, 412 people attended the Digital Marketing and Branding, Digital Advertisement and Social Media Marketing training sessions held in Istanbul, Trabzon, Erzurum, Ankara, Adana, Antalya, Samsun, Izmir, Diyarbakır and Bursa. In 2013, 204 people attended the Corporate Identity, Benefits or Having a Corporate Structure, Branding, Brand Architecture and Brand Wheel training sessions held in Istanbul, Trabzon, Erzurum, Ankara, Adana, Antalya, Samsun, Izmir, Diyarbakır and Bursa. In 2014, 278 people attended the Effective Customer Relations training session held in the aforementioned provinces.

In 2016, the topic of the training sessions was “Winning Negotiation”. The programme included the subtopics of “Quick tips for customer relations, Ideas about negotiation”, “5 strategies of negotiation”, “Negotiation tactics” and “Conduct”.

These training programmes enable dealers to find out about new and improved technology as well as advertisement and marketing activities. İzodemi training programmes enable to conduct effective regional marketing activities. At İzodemi, we have organised 148 training programmes and reached an audience of 3,000. In 2016, we concluded the training programmes.


As global warming is a pressing issue, İzocam aims to inform children on the measures to be taken to protect the environment as part of its “Significance of Energy Efficiency and Insulation” programme. The objective of the “OZİ Social Responsibility Project” is to teach elementary schoolers about “Energy Efficiency, Global Warming and Environment” and ensure that they grow into adults who question and do their research.

At part of the OZİ project, students learn about the effects of “Insulation” on Energy Efficiency by watching an entertaining cartoon that tells about the adventures of “OZİ” who was created by the team of Grafi 2000. A resident actor at kid’s theatre teaches about “insulation” and “energy efficiency” during the relevant lesson. Students are taught subjects such as: “Reasons for Global Warming”, “Energy Sources and Renewables”, “Primary Sources of Energy Fossil Fuels”, “Energy Consumption”, “Greenhouse Effect”, “Climate Change”, “How to Combat Global Warming?” and “How Does Insulation Achieve Energy Efficiency”. 

As part of the project held on the subject of “Significance of Energy Efficiency and Insulation”, a project was co-launched with the Ministry of National Education on April 12 2010 and elementary schools in the districts of Kadıköy, Bakırköy, Gebze, Dilovası, Şişli, Ataşehir, Ankara (Çankaya & Gölbaşı), Beşiktaş and Sarıyer were offered training sessions. In 2014 and 2015, the project was continued in Eskişehir and at the private schools of Istanbul. The project, which was concluded on June 12 2015, we reached over 100 thousand children, or in other words 100 thousand families. We collaborated with 350 schools.

İzocam continues to plan medium- and long-term plans to inform the younger generations. Reaching the elementary schools located in other provinces to reach more children and form an informed society is among the long-term goals of the project.

Enerji’K Bakış

İzocam makes use of every opportunity it gets to underline “Energy Efficiency”. Informing the public of the fact that “insulation” leads to energy efficiency is one of its missions. İzocam has developed numerous social responsibility projects in this regard. Almost every year, it prepares projects to keep the topic current and to reach to wider masses. 

Enerji’K Bakış contained many “Energy Efficiency” related items... This project covers all aspects of energy and was able to draw attention to them... İzocam conducted this project with İFSAK (Istanbul Photography and Cinema Amateur Society). The main goal İzocam and İFSAK had for this project was to shed some light on the future of energy and to draw children, young people and individuals to energy efficiency with a different perspective. The main theme of the project was to look at energy from an artistic point of view with people coming from different backgrounds and starting with photos...

The main point of action was to draw the people’s focus to energy efficiency... Artists were enlisted to express “energy” through art. Approximately 300 people from different professional backgrounds took part in the project. The first idea was to display energy through photography alone; however, the medium later included essays, feature films and musical compositions. 

The album includes 120 photos and 120 essays in total. Photography artists, cinema directors and musicians were represented at the exhibit with their photos while many people including musicians, players and cinema directors contributed with their writings. Rıza Kıraç shot a feature film specifically for the exhibition. Later, 2 musical compositions performed by Özkan Samioğlu and Teneke Tramper group were included. Then, the animated film ZG (Zerre Grain) by Anıl Tortop was also included. In the end, an exhibition and an album covering all these works were put together. The album features a DVD containing the feature film, animated film and musical compositions.

The people who contributed their works, people who viewed them and the press appreciated the project after the first exhibition. The project was also acclaimed in that it highlighted a topic of concern for our future. Enerji’K Bakış Exhibition was visited by 6000 in total in Istanbul, Izmir, Adana, Ankara, Bursa and Eskişehir.