Manto Izopur Plus 1
Manto Izopur Plus 2

Manto Izopor Plus

Manto Izopor Plus is a carbon reinforced expanded polystyrene board that is produced specially with respect to TS EN 13499 standards for external thermal insulation composite systems. It should not be stored in direct sunlight even for a short period due to its dark colour.

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Application Area

  • First of all, the surface to be used in the application should be checked to ensure that it is smooth and dry.
  • If the surface is rough and with scrapes, it should be cleaned by brushing.
  • Unevenness, major defects and cracks should be repaired by means of plaster.
  • The boards are laid down in an alternating pattern at the facades and the corners. When the fixing mortar is completely dry (approximately after 24 hours) the anchoring process can be started.
  • Special insulation fastening anchors are used which are chosen with respect to the wall properties.
  • Tiled surfaces or surfaces with old plaster are not suitable for anchoring.
  • After anchoring process reinforced layer is formed.

Material Safety Forms


Technical Specifications

Properties Symbol Unit Description Tolerance Standard
Material - - Expanded Polystyrene (Carbon reinforced)   TS EN 13163
Density ρ kg/m3 - - -
Width w mm 500 ± 2 mm (W2) TS EN 822
Length l mm 1000 ± 2 mm (L2) TS EN 822
Thickness t mm 30 40 50 60 70 80 100 120 140 ± 1 mm (T1) TS EN 823
Reaction to fire - - E - TS EN 13501-1
Declared Thermal Conductivity (10 °C) ʎD W/m.K 0.032 - TS EN 13163
Thermal Resistance RD m2.K/W 0.90 1.25 1.55 1.85 2.15 2.50 3.10 3.75 4.35 - TS EN 13163
Squareness Sb mm/m S2 +2 TS EN 824
Flatness Smax mm P5 5 TS EN 825
Dimensional Stability - % DS(N)2 ± % 0,2 TS EN 1605
Bending Strength - kPa BS 100 - TS EN 12089
Compressive Strength σ10 kPa CS(10)60 - TS EN 826
Water Absorbtion by Total Immersion Wlt % WL(T)3 ≤ % 3 TS EN 12097
Dimentional Stability Under Specified Temp. and Humidity Conditions Δεl, Δεb, Δεd % DS(70,90)1 < %1,0 TS EN 1604
Tensile Strength Perpendicular to Faces (min.) σmt kPa TR150 - TS EN 1607
Packaging Material - - PE Film - -
Other Information Manto Izopor Plus insulation boards are produced regarding to the technical specifications of insulation boards stated in TS EN 13499 standards for “Expanded polystyrene based external thermal insulation composite systems” and in compliance with TS 7316-1 EN 13163 standard.