
Top Choice Of The HVAC İndustry For Condensation Control And High Thermal İnsulation: İzocam Optiflex

The leader of the insulation industry, İzocam disrupts the fittings industry with “İzocam Optiflex”. The product, which İzocam describes to be “thermoeconomic”, offers advanced thermal insulation and condensation control.

Izocam, aiming to develop the right solution for the right need in changing conditions of the market, has developed through its R&D efforts “Izocam Optiflex” which offers a higher level of thermal insulation. 

İzocam Optiflex, which is available in the form of elastomeric rubber based closed porous pipes or boards produced for HVAC systems, offers thermal insulation and condensation control on the surface it is installed. 

An environmentally-friendly product thanks to its characteristic feature of high thermal insulation, İzocam Optiflex helps to create sustainable living-

areas and helps users to consume less energy. “Energy consumption plays a vital role for the realisation of Sustainable Development Goals.  The way we consume energy determines whether we may attain the Sustainable Development Goals such as Affordable and Clean Energy, Responsible Production and Production, Sustainable Cities and Communities, Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure, Good Health and Well-Being, Decent Work and Economic Growth. The more energy we save the more benefits we gain and from this perspective Optiflex is a thermoeconomic product.  

In terms of thermal insulation efficiency, İzocam Optiflex enables to gain more energy with a lesser initial investment and achieves “Optimal Thermal Insulation and Optimal Investment Prices” in the fittings. 

İzocam Optiflex can be safely installed in a temperature range of -20°C to 80°C and in various sections from solar collectors to air conditioning ducts. The product itself is free from CFC and is quite flexible.
