
Izocam provides solutions for any type of insulation needs with environment friendly products

Izocam provides solutions for any type of insulation needs with environment friendly products

Izocam, which develops products that contributes to environmental protection and gives high importance to awareness on this topic, regards “sustainability” matter as one of the most important items on the agenda.

The energy resources of the World continue to diminish and increasing greenhouse gases trigger the global warming, disrupting the balance of the nature. Reducing the energy use and using the existing resources with higher efficiency is needed for a habitable world in the future. Taking the leading role in forming and developing the insulation sector in our country, Izocam prioritises increasing the social awareness on insulation, energy saving and environmental protection relations. 

Murat Savcı, Managing Director of Izocam which has led the insulation sector for 55 years and maintained that “sustainability” is one of the most important items on the agenda, and made it a principle to explain the contribution of insulation for sustainability for many years, has said these: “With insualtion following the correct applications, it is possible to both lower the energy expenses and protect the nature by lowering the carbon emissions significantly. Due to this, developing products that serve the energy and environment matters which are in the focus of sustainability policies is amongst the most important missions of Izocam.”

EKB will contribute greatly to energy savings in buildings

Underlining the Energy Performance Certificate (EKB) implementation which was enforced since 01 January 2020, and that EKB needs to be declared during purchase-sale and leasing of the buildings, Izocam Managing Director Murat Savcı said: “Energy Performance Certificate will contribute significantly to energy savings in buildings, which is something we also think is very important in the medium term. The certificate is issued according to the current situation for old building but for buildings that will be or are being built, EKB class needs to be at least C. This is only possible by designing the thermal insulation according to the standards during building. Responsible of buildings are still and will start being built that will apply for the certificate need to care for this matter and this matter should be on everyone’s agenda.”

Also putting emphasis on the importance of National Energy Efficiency Action Plan 2017-2023 for transitioning to low carbon economy, Murat Savcı said that “defining the annual targets to improve energy efficiency in public buildings, increasing the awareness of the end users to increase the energy efficiency in building sector with thermal insulation, supporting directly or indirectly and putting obligations in place, improving the technical and administrative capacity regarding issuing Energy Performance Certificate and increasing the energy performance certification ownership for current buildings with awareness rising, certifying sustainable green buildings and settlements and extending the use of green certiface which encompasses the environmental effects, encouraging the investments to increase the minimum energy performance class of C to B or A in the buildings that are currently new and will be purchased/leased, providing direct or indirect support for building owners, increasing the energy efficiency investments in public buildings using Energy Performance Agreements (EPS) which allow the investments that are required for energy efficiency measures to be provided by saving, extending the survey support by KOSGEB for KOBIs (SMEs) to non-public commercial and service buildings of a certain size that are not obliged to do surveys, generalising the implementation of energy efficiency projects with aids or low interest loans, reducing the energy density in every sub-sector of industry by at least 10% with sector cooperations, supporting the projects with high savings potential by improving the efficiency increasing project implementations will act as an important lifter for energy efficiency sector.”

Expressing that Izocam has conducted various studies to reduce the energy requirement and use to minimum by changing the inefficient, old, uncomfortable technologies with high efficiency, new, comfortable technologies, Savcı has remarked that the highest energy efficiency is achieved with multi-comfort buildings and urban renewal is a big opportunity in this scope: “’Multi-Comfort Buildings’, buildings that came into existence from the concept of house with near-zero energy and that aim bio-climatic design, and consider sustainable, ecological, economic and social factors present the maximum thermal comfort with high energy savings. Multi Comfort Buildings which offer perfect acoustic and visual comfort, quality interior air, fire protection and safety, and highly flexible design solutions both indoors and outdoors, aim to save at least 90% on energy. These buildings contribute to lowering the dependency of countries, such as Turkey which import over three fourths of its energy, on foreign sources.”

Multi-comfort Buildings, which are derived from “Passive houses” concept that is defined as well insulated buildings that are designed to have a very low annual heating requirement, as in less than 15 kWh/m², therefore don’t need conventional heating systems, don’t have air flow due to heat differences since the temperatures on all the surfaces of the building is very close to each other. With mechanical ventilation systems, high air quality is achieved within the building and since energy use requirement is limited with 15kWh/m², savings up to 90% is achieved. CO2 emissions also lower in the ratio of decrease in energy use.

Pointing out that meeting the National Declaration of Contribution (NDC) that is submitted to UN is only possible with insulation, Savcı said that “it is included in the declaration that the new housing and service buildings are required to be built energy efficient according to Energy Performance Regulations in Buildings. On the other hand, it is also emphasised that by forming the Energy Performance Certificate for buildings, it is aimed to keep greenhouse gas emissions under control and to lower the energy expenditure within years. In NDC declaration, the requirement to develop encouragement channels such as tax reduction and credits in making the new and current buildings energy efficient is once again reminded. Generalising green building, passive house, zero-energy house designs and to reduce the energy requirement to minimum is important to achieve the targets included in NDC. Achieving the passive houses that are included in the Buildings and Urban Renewal section of NDC is only possible with correct design and thick insulation application.”

Pointing out that the global warming is currently the greatest threat for the environment, Savcı has also said that “I think the energy efficient, environment friendly buildings are very important for both protecting our World and for the economy of our country. We need to design the low-carbon future today. And outputs of ‘Republic of Turkey, according to 1/CP.19 and 1.CP/20 numbered rulings, intended national contribution (INDC) and policies that are foreseen to be enforced to achieve the base target stated in 2nd article of United Nations Climate Change Framework Contract (BMİDÇS)’ and ‘National Energy Efficiency Action Plan’ also prove this thought of mine.”
